Born on 15 November 1980, in Japan. Granddaughter of Mr. Nishizaka Fumio, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Railways, she comes from a family with a tradition in linguistics, totaling together 9 languages (Japanese, Chinese, English, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Hungarian).

Among the personalities for whom her family has translated and interpreted are French President Francois Mitterrand, gymnast Nadia Comaneci, athletes Carl Lewis and Doina Melinte.

After completing French high school in Japan, she graduated in 2005 from McGill University/Canada with a degree in economics, management, and psychology.

In 2010, after returning to Japan, she founded Apicola Inc., where she is still CEO.

She is a frequent contributor to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, being the first woman in Japan to have interpreted for a first-degree murder case.

She speaks 6 languages – English, French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Japanese.

Marital status – married, mother of a child.

Hobbies – literature, history, martial arts.