Born on 23 February 1993. He comes from a Bushi family in the Edo period, with a lineage of 18 generations. Grew up and was educated in a traditional environment of banking, law, prefectural administration, and teaching.

As a teenager, he distinguished himself as a leader and good organizer, and in high school was president of the student council and captain of the basketball team.

In 2015, after graduating from Ritsumeikan University’s Faculty of Letters, he joined the Hyogo Agricultural Credit Cooperative Union (JA Hyogo Shinren).

Engaged in corporate sales to more than 200 large to small companies throughout Hyogo Prefecture.

In 2021, he was transferred to REVIC (Regional Economic Revitalization Initiative Corporation).

Engaged in supporting local small and medium-sized enterprises throughout Japan. Mainly in charge of corporate revitalization projects.

He joined our team in 2023.


Hobbies – Martial arts / Sogo Kempo & Iaido – higher level / Sensei

Languages spoken – Japanese, English